Polling stations have opened in Georgia, and voting for the parliamentary elections has begun.

For the first time, the 150 deputies of the legislative body will be elected not by a mixed system, as before, but entirely by a proportional system. To enter the 11th convocation of parliament, parties must overcome a 5% threshold.

According to the Central Election Commission of Georgia, the total number of voters is 3,508,294 people. With the use of new electronic technologies, 3,113,747 voters are eligible to participate in the elections.

Compared to the 2020 elections, the number of voters has decreased by 17,729. The CEC reports that 3,111 polling stations have been opened for Georgian citizens. Of these, 3,044 are in Georgia, including 12 in penitentiary institutions and one in a mental health center.

As for polling stations abroad, 67 polling stations have been set up in 53 cities across 42 countries. A total of 95,910 voters are registered on the special overseas voter lists.

A total of 102 local and 64 international organizations will observe the parliamentary elections in Georgia. Additionally, 98 media outlets have been accredited to cover the voting. (newshub. ge)