The State Security Service of Georgia claims to have information according to which certain groups of people are trying to organize provocations at rallies against the Law on Transparency of Foreign Influence. The purpose of these actions is the implementation of destructive and violent scenarios, which are organized with funding from foreign countries, the State Security Service states.

“Georgian citizens (living) outside the country are actively participating in the mentioned criminal plans, in particular, a certain part of Georgians fighting in Ukraine, who declare their readiness to come to Georgia and actively participate in the planned violence against the police. These individuals are in active communication with their associates in Georgia and are discussing plans to block parliament, government administration and other government buildings,” the department said in a statement.

Among the plans, according to the department, are attacks on special forces. To neutralize the special forces and the police, the organizers of criminal actions “instruct young people to bring flammable substances to parliament to prepare Molotov cocktails,” the State Security Service said in a statement:

“During the current protests, their organizers, in order to provoke riots and chaos , are guided by the instructions of foreign instructors and actively use violent methods taught by the CANVAS organization and Peter Ackerman, the purpose of which is the so-called “Maidanization” and provoking events similar to civil confrontation of the 90s in the country.”

The State Security Service claims that individual politicians and organizers of the action plan to paralyze transport junctions in Tbilisi, block access roads to government institutions and strategic sites, block the railway, set up tent cities and block law enforcement bases.

The State Security Service claims that the organizers of the rally hope that the protests will lead to casualties, as this will “increase the protest charge and radicalism,” the department writes.

In September last year, the State Security Service already announced the preparation of “Euromaidan” in the country. The Georgian intelligence service claimed that the authors of the “revolutionary scenario” are the former deputy minister of internal affairs in the government of Mikheil Saakashvili, now the deputy head of military intelligence of Ukraine Georgy Lortkipanidze, Saakashvili’s former security guard Mikhail Baturin, as well as the commander of the Georgian Legion operating in Ukraine Mamuka Mamulashvili