Georgia's "Saba" digital library has teamed up with "Wavetech" to add AI-voiced books to their collection.  

Currently, the library offers about 20 books that are voiced using innovative technology, with some available for free. Historical books have seen a surge in interest over the past year, leading to the collaboration with "Wavetech," which provides the fastest and best voice-over capabilities with AI technology.

According to Irina Javakhadze, director of "Saba," the integration of new technology will help the library offer more diverse choices to audiobook lovers and fill their collection with books of different genres.

The director of Wavetech, Sofi Zambakhidze, highlights the scalability of the technology, allowing them to dub 20 books in just 20 minutes, which would have taken more than four months using human resources.

In addition to the AI-voiced books, SABA Reader offers over 1,000 audio books voiced using the traditional method, with users able to access a range of features. The library currently holds over 7,000 electronic and audio books.