In the Kvareli Municipality of Kakheti, Georgia's prime wine-growing region, a critical meeting unfolded between local winegrowers and Otar Shamugia, the Minister of Environment Protection and Agriculture.

The session focused on the imminent grape harvest, which has suffered considerable damage due to recent hailstorms. The growers emphasized the vital role of state subsidies in mitigating their losses.

Revaz Megrelishvili, a local vineyard owner, lauded the government's financial intervention. "The subsidies are a lifeline for us after the hail inflicted significant damage on the grape crop. It underscores the necessity of insurance as a perennial safeguard," he stated.

Echoing Megrelishvili's sentiment, Zurab Zuriashvili commented, "The climate-induced grape damage this year makes state aid indispensable for future cultivation. A subsidy rate of 90 tetri per kilogram for damaged grapes is indeed a fair compensation."

Giorgi Aladashvili, the state trustee for the Kakheti region, assured attendees that, backed by government support, no grape yield would go to waste.

Minister Shamugia also visited the Kindzmarauli Corporation complex, where founder Tamaz Konchoshvili discussed the challenges posed by this season's inclement weather. "We intend to purchase 500 tons of grapes from local growers, bolstered by state subsidies and preferential agro-credit schemes. The government’s involvement in supporting our participation in international exhibitions has also been invaluable," Konchoshvili said.

It's worth noting that Kindzmarauli Corporation is a recipient of preferential agro-credit and has availed itself of state-sponsored initiatives to modernize its operations. These include equipment procurement, vineyard expansion, and grape purchasing.