The renowned "Banff" World Mountain Film Festival is set to make its appearance in Tbilisi, hosted by the non-governmental organization "Transcaucasian Trail" on October 21.
"Annually, the festival is inundated with hundreds of film entries. Come autumn, a mere 80 make the cut for the week-long Banff extravaganza. What we're bringing to Tbilisi is a curated 2-hour program showcasing the crème de la crème of these films," expressed Rima Beridze. She emphasized that the selected films will feature Georgian subtitles and mentioned the growing Georgian appetite for mountain-themed films.
A ticket, priced at 32 GEL, grants attendees access to the film viewings and includes one raffle ticket. Proceeds from the event will be channeled towards the further development of the enduring Transcaucasian Trail in Georgia.
The ambitious "Transcaucasian Trail" project, under construction along the Caucasus, aspires to seamlessly link three nations: Georgia, Azerbaijan, and Armenia.